• Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi Pico
  • Micro:Bit

This module is ideally suited for distance measurement in a range between 2 cm and 3 m. With a resolution of about 3 mm, distances can thus be measured by ultrasonic signal. If a signal (falling edge) is applied to the trigger input, a distance measurement is performed and output at the echo output as a PWM TTL signal. The ultrasonic distance sensor is particularly suitable for obstacle detection, distance measurement, as a level indicator and for industrial applications.

Technical specifications

Measurable distance 2 cm - 300 cm
Measurement resolution 3 mm
min. time between measurements 50 µs

principle of operation

This module shows how an ultrasonic loudspeaker and a microphone can be used to measure the distance to an object without contact. The principle is based on the fact that the speed of sound in air remains almost constant at constant temperature - at 20 °C it is 343.2 m / s.

From this, the distance measurement can be converted into a time measurement, which can then easily be taken over by microcontrollers.

When triggered, the ultrasonic loudspeaker (transducer) emits an ultrasonic noise of maximum 200µs. The ultrasonic loudspeaker emits a 40 kHz signal. This means that 8 periods (edge changes) are emitted within the 200µs in which the sensor emits its ultrasonic noise. In order to arrive at these 8 periods of the 40 kHz signal mathematically, one calculates the whole thing as shown in the following.

Number of periods in one second = 40000
Time = 1s
Duration of a single period:
1s / 40000 = 25µs**

Maximum length of ultrasonic sound = 200us
Duration of a single period = 25us
Number of periods in ultrasonic sound:
200µs / 25µs = 8

The principle is kept simple, an ultrasonic sound is emitted from the speaker on the PCB, which is then reflected from an object and picked up by the microphone on the PCB. Ultrasound is used because it is outside the hearing range of the human ear (about 20Hz-22kHz).

Transmission of the ultrasonic signal is started when a 10µs long start signal (ActiveHigh) is received at the "Trigger input pin". After transmission, the signal is activated at the "Echo output signal pin" (ActiveHigh). If the reflected signal is now picked up again at the microphone, the echo signal is deactivated again after detection. The time between activation and deactivation of the echo signal can be measured and converted to distance, as this also corresponds to how long it takes the ultrasonic signal to cover the distance between loudspeaker-> reflecting wall -> microphone in the air. The conversion is then made by approximating a constant air velocity - the distance is then half the distance traveled.

pin assignment

Code example Arduino

Pin assignment Arduino

Arduino Sensor
Pin 7 Echo
5 V + V
Pin 8 Trigger

The example program activates the distance measurement according to the above principle and measures the time until the ultrasonic signal is picked up by the microphone with the help of the Arduino function pulseIn . This time is then taken as the basis for the conversion of the distance - the result is then output in the serial output. If the signal is outside the measuring range, a corresponding error message is output.

#define Echo_EingangsPin 7 // Echo input pin
#define Trigger_AusgangsPin 8 // Trigger output pin
// Required variables are defined
int maximumRange = 300;
int minimumRange = 2;
long distance;
long duration;
void setup () {
 pinMode (Trigger_AusgangsPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (Echo_EingangsPin, INPUT);
 Serial.begin (9600);
void loop () {
 // Distance measurement is started by means of the 10us long trigger signal
 digitalWrite (Trigger_AusgangsPin, HIGH);
 delayMicroseconds (10);
 digitalWrite (Trigger_AusgangsPin, LOW);
 // Now we wait at the echo input until the signal has been activated
 // and then the time measured how long it remains activated
 Duration = pulseIn (Echo_EingangsPin, HIGH);
 // Now the distance is calculated using the recorded time
 Distance = duration / 58.2;
 // Check whether the measured value is within the permissible distance
 if (distance> = maximumRange || distance <= minimumRange)
    // If not, an error message is output.
      Serial.println ("Distance outside the measuring range");
      Serial.println ("-----------------------------------");
    // The calculated distance is output in the serial output
      Serial.print ("The distance is:");
      Serial.print (distance);
      Serial.println ("cm");
      Serial.println ("-----------------------------------");
  // Pause between the individual measurements
 delay (500);

Sample program download


This module is ideally suited for distance measurement in a range between 2 cm and 3 m. With a resolution of about 3 mm, distances can thus be measured by ultrasonic signal. If a signal (falling edge) is applied to the trigger input, a distance measurement is performed and output at the echo output as a PWM TTL signal. The ultrasonic distance sensor is particularly suitable for obstacle detection, distance measurement, as a level indicator and for industrial applications.

Technical specifications

Measurable distance 2 cm - 300 cm
Measurement resolution 3 mm
min. time between measurements 50 µs

principle of operation

This module shows how an ultrasonic loudspeaker and a microphone can be used to measure the distance to an object without contact. The principle is based on the fact that the speed of sound in air remains almost constant at constant temperature - at 20 °C it is 343.2 m / s.

From this, the distance measurement can be converted into a time measurement, which can then easily be taken over by microcontrollers.

When triggered, the ultrasonic loudspeaker (transducer) emits an ultrasonic noise of maximum 200µs. The ultrasonic loudspeaker emits a 40 kHz signal. This means that 8 periods (edge changes) are emitted within the 200µs in which the sensor emits its ultrasonic noise. In order to arrive at these 8 periods of the 40 kHz signal mathematically, one calculates the whole thing as shown in the following.

Number of periods in one second = 40000
Time = 1s
Duration of a single period:
1s / 40000 = 25µs**

Maximum length of ultrasonic sound = 200us
Duration of a single period = 25us
Number of periods in ultrasonic sound:
200µs / 25µs = 8

The principle is kept simple, an ultrasonic sound is emitted from the speaker on the PCB, which is then reflected from an object and picked up by the microphone on the PCB. Ultrasound is used because it is outside the hearing range of the human ear (about 20Hz-22kHz).

Transmission of the ultrasonic signal is started when a 10µs long start signal (ActiveHigh) is received at the "Trigger input pin". After transmission, the signal is activated at the "Echo output signal pin" (ActiveHigh). If the reflected signal is now picked up again at the microphone, the echo signal is deactivated again after detection. The time between activation and deactivation of the echo signal can be measured and converted to distance, as this also corresponds to how long it takes the ultrasonic signal to cover the distance between loudspeaker-> reflecting wall -> microphone in the air. The conversion is then made by approximating a constant air velocity - the distance is then half the distance traveled.

pin assignment

Code example Raspberry Pi

Pin assignment Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Sensor
5 V [Pin 2] +V
Masse [Pin 6] GND
- Trigger
- Echo
Sensor KY-051
Trigger B1
Echo B2
+V -
Raspberry Pi KY-051
3,3 V [Pin 1] Vcca
5 V [Pin 4] Vccb
GND [Pin 14] GND
GPIO 17 [Pin 11] A1
GPIO 27 [Pin 13] A2

Programming example in the Python programming language

5V voltage level, therefore the following has to be considered: The Raspberry Pi works with its ARM processor core, unlike the Atmel Atmega based Arduino, with 3.3V voltage level instead of 5V. However, this sensor only works with the higher voltage level. If the sensor would be used without any restrictions on the Raspberry Pi, without any precautions, this could cause permanent damage to the Raspberry Pi.

To prevent this, it is recommended to connect a so-called voltage translator in between, which adjusts the voltage levels accordingly and ensures a safe operation. Our KY-051 Voltage Translator is perfectly suited for this purpose.

The example program activates the distance measurement according to the above principle and measures the time how long the ultrasonic signal is in the air. This time is then taken as a basis for the conversion of the distance - the result is then output in the cosnole. If the signal is outside the measuring range, a corresponding error message is output.

# coding = utf-8
# Required modules are inserted and configured
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM)
# The respective input / output pins can be selected here
Trigger_AusgangsPin = 27
Echo_EingangsPin = 17
# The pause between the individual measurements can be set here in seconds
sleeptime = 0.8
# The input / output pins are configured here
GPIO.setup (Trigger_AusgangsPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup (Echo_EingangsPin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.output (Trigger_AusgangsPin, False)
# Main program loop
    while True:
        # Distance measurement is started by means of the 10us long trigger signal
        GPIO.output (Trigger_AusgangsPin, True)
        time.sleep (0.00001)
        GPIO.output (Trigger_AusgangsPin, False)
        # The stopwatch is started here
        Switch-on time = time.time ()
        while GPIO.input (Echo_EingangsPin) == 0:
            Switch-on time = time.time () # The current time is saved until the signal is activated
        while GPIO.input (Echo_EingangsPin) == 1:
            Switch-off time = time.time () # The last time when the signal was active is recorded
        # The difference between the two times gives the duration you are looking for
        Duration = switch-off time - switch-on time
        # This can now be used to calculate the distance based on the speed of sound
        Distance = (duration * 34300) / 2
        # Check whether the measured value is within the permissible distance
        if distance <2 or (round (distance)> 300):
            # If not, an error message is issued
            print ("distance outside the measuring range")
            print ("------------------------------")
            # The space is formatted to two places behind the comma
            Distance = format ((duration * 34300) / 2, '.2f')
            # The calculated distance is output on the console
            print ("The distance is:"), distance, ("cm")
            print ("------------------------------")
        # Pause between the individual measurements
        time.sleep (sleeptime)
# Clean up after the program has ended
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    GPIO.cleanup ()

Sample program download


To start with the command:

sudo python3 KY050-RPi.py

This module is ideally suited for distance measurement in a range between 2 cm and 3 m. With a resolution of about 3 mm, distances can thus be measured by ultrasonic signal. If a signal (falling edge) is applied to the trigger input, a distance measurement is performed and output at the echo output as a PWM TTL signal. The ultrasonic distance sensor is particularly suitable for obstacle detection, distance measurement, as a level indicator and for industrial applications.

Technical specifications

Measurable distance 2 cm - 300 cm
Measurement resolution 3 mm
min. time between measurements 50 µs

principle of operation

This module shows how an ultrasonic loudspeaker and a microphone can be used to measure the distance to an object without contact. The principle is based on the fact that the speed of sound in air remains almost constant at constant temperature - at 20 °C it is 343.2 m / s.

From this, the distance measurement can be converted into a time measurement, which can then easily be taken over by microcontrollers.

When triggered, the ultrasonic loudspeaker (transducer) emits an ultrasonic noise of maximum 200µs. The ultrasonic loudspeaker emits a 40 kHz signal. This means that 8 periods (edge changes) are emitted within the 200µs in which the sensor emits its ultrasonic noise. In order to arrive at these 8 periods of the 40 kHz signal mathematically, one calculates the whole thing as shown in the following.

Number of periods in one second = 40000
Time = 1s
Duration of a single period:
1s / 40000 = 25µs**

Maximum length of ultrasonic sound = 200us
Duration of a single period = 25us
Number of periods in ultrasonic sound:
200µs / 25µs = 8

The principle is kept simple, an ultrasonic sound is emitted from the speaker on the PCB, which is then reflected from an object and picked up by the microphone on the PCB. Ultrasound is used because it is outside the hearing range of the human ear (about 20Hz-22kHz).

Transmission of the ultrasonic signal is started when a 10µs long start signal (ActiveHigh) is received at the "Trigger input pin". After transmission, the signal is activated at the "Echo output signal pin" (ActiveHigh). If the reflected signal is now picked up again at the microphone, the echo signal is deactivated again after detection. The time between activation and deactivation of the echo signal can be measured and converted to distance, as this also corresponds to how long it takes the ultrasonic signal to cover the distance between loudspeaker-> reflecting wall -> microphone in the air. The conversion is then made by approximating a constant air velocity - the distance is then half the distance traveled.

pin assignment

Code example Micro: Bit

Pin assignment Micro: Bit:

External Sensor
External 5V +V
Micro:Bit GND + External GND GND
- Trigger
- Echo
Sensor KY-051
Trigger B1
Echo B2
+V -
Micro:Bit KY-051
3,3 V Vcca
- Vccb
GND + External GND GND
Pin 2 A1
Pin 1 A2
External KY-051
External 5V Vccb

For the following code example an additional library is needed:

pxt-sonar by Microsoft | published under the MIT License

Add the library to your IDE by clicking on "Extensions" and entering the following URL in the search box: https: //github.com/microsoft/pxt-sonar.git. Confirm the search with [Enter].

Sample program download


This module is ideally suited for distance measurement in a range between 2 cm and 3 m. With a resolution of about 3 mm, distances can thus be measured by ultrasonic signal. If a signal (falling edge) is applied to the trigger input, a distance measurement is performed and output at the echo output as a PWM TTL signal. The ultrasonic distance sensor is particularly suitable for obstacle detection, distance measurement, as a level indicator and for industrial applications.

Technical specifications

Measurable distance 2 cm - 300 cm
Measurement resolution 3 mm
min. time between measurements 50 µs

principle of operation

This module shows how an ultrasonic loudspeaker and a microphone can be used to measure the distance to an object without contact. The principle is based on the fact that the speed of sound in air remains almost constant at constant temperature - at 20 °C it is 343.2 m / s.

From this, the distance measurement can be converted into a time measurement, which can then easily be taken over by microcontrollers.

When triggered, the ultrasonic loudspeaker (transducer) emits an ultrasonic noise of maximum 200µs. The ultrasonic loudspeaker emits a 40 kHz signal. This means that 8 periods (edge changes) are emitted within the 200µs in which the sensor emits its ultrasonic noise. In order to arrive at these 8 periods of the 40 kHz signal mathematically, one calculates the whole thing as shown in the following.

Number of periods in one second = 40000
Time = 1s
Duration of a single period:
1s / 40000 = 25µs**

Maximum length of ultrasonic sound = 200us
Duration of a single period = 25us
Number of periods in ultrasonic sound:
200µs / 25µs = 8

The principle is kept simple, an ultrasonic sound is emitted from the speaker on the PCB, which is then reflected from an object and picked up by the microphone on the PCB. Ultrasound is used because it is outside the hearing range of the human ear (about 20Hz-22kHz).

Transmission of the ultrasonic signal is started when a 10µs long start signal (ActiveHigh) is received at the "Trigger input pin". After transmission, the signal is activated at the "Echo output signal pin" (ActiveHigh). If the reflected signal is now picked up again at the microphone, the echo signal is deactivated again after detection. The time between activation and deactivation of the echo signal can be measured and converted to distance, as this also corresponds to how long it takes the ultrasonic signal to cover the distance between loudspeaker-> reflecting wall -> microphone in the air. The conversion is then made by approximating a constant air velocity - the distance is then half the distance traveled.

pin assignment

Code example Raspberry Pi Pico

Pin assignment Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Sensor
- Trig
5V [External] +V
GND + [External GND] GND
- Echo
KY-051 Sensor
B1 Echo
B2 Trig
A1 -
A2 -
Vcca -
Vccb -
KY-051 Raspberry Pi Pico
B1 -
B2 -
Vcca 3,3V
Vccb 5V [External]
GND GND + [External GND]

The example program activates the distance measurement according to the above principle and calculates the time until the ultrasonic signal is picked up by the microphone. This time is then taken as a basis for the conversion of the distance - the result is then output in the serial output. If the signal is outside the measuring range, a corresponding error message is output.

# Load libraries
from machine import Pin
import time

# Initialization of GPIO16 as input and GPIO17 as output
trig = Pin(17, Pin.OUT)
echo = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)

# Endless loop for measuring the distance
while True:
     # Distance measurement is started by means of the 10us long trigger signal

     # Now waiting at the echo input until the signal has been activated 
     # After that, the time is measured how long it remains activated
     while echo.value()==0:
          pulse_start = time.ticks_us()
     while echo.value()==1:
          pulse_end = time.ticks_us()
     pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start

     # Now the distance is calculated by means of the recorded time
     distance = pulse_duration * 17165 / 1000000
     distance = round(distance, 0)

     # Serial output
     print ('Distance:',"{:.0f}".format(distance),'cm')

Example program download
