• Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi Pico
  • Micro:Bit

A light emitting diode that emits in the infrared range. Depending on the input voltage, series resistors are required.

Technical data

Forward voltage 1.1 V
Forward current 20 mA
Emitting wavelength 940nm (non-visible light)

Forward resistors:

Series resistor (3.3 V) 120 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) 220 Ω

On the PCB there is the possibility to directly solder the required resistor. The place for soldering the resistor is located directly above the connection pins on the PCB.

Pin assignment

Arduino code example

Baudrate of serial output should be set to 115200 otherwise remote control example will not work.

Code example ON/OFF

Pin assignment Arduino

Arduino Receiver
Pin 3 signal
5 V +V

This code example shows how an LED can be alternately switched on for four seconds and then switched off for two seconds using a definable output pin.

int Led = 3;
void setup ()
  pinMode (Led, OUTPUT); // Initialize output pin for the LED
void loop () //Main program loop
  digitalWrite (Led, HIGH); // LED is switched on
  delay (4000); // Wait mode for 4 seconds
  digitalWrite (Led, LOW); // LED is switched off
  delay (2000); // Wait mode for another two seconds during which the LED is switched off

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Code example remote control

Arduino pin assignment

Arduino Transmitter
Pin 3 Signal
GND* GND+Resistor
  • *Only if the serial resistor has been soldered to the module and is not connected in front of the module.

With the help of the two sensor modules KY-005 and KY-022 a system with infrared remote control and infrared receiver can be built. For this purpose, two Arduinos are required in addition to the two modules. These then act as transmitters and receivers of the signals.

For the following code example an additional library is needed:

Arduino-IRremote by Ken Shirriff | published under the MIT license.

The library is not included in the package and must be copied to the "library" folder before starting the Arduino IDE.

This can be found by default under the following path of your Windows installation:


In infrared transmitting systems there are different protocols in which the data can be sent. In the following example, the NEC protocol is used for sending. Documentation.Please note: For the execution of the code example an additional file is necessary. This opens automatically as soon as you open the sample code from the Arduino IRremote library. Therefore, first open the example code via the following path: File -> Examples -> IRremote -> SimpleSender. Now you can replace the example code with our modified example.

Code for the transmitter


    Demonstrates sending IR codes in standard format with address and command
    An extended example for sending can be found as SendDemo.

    Copyright (C) 2020-2021  Armin Joachimsmeyer

    This file is part of Arduino-IRremote https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote.

    MIT License
#include <Arduino.h>

   Define macros for input and output pin etc.
#include "PinDefinitionsAndMore.h"

//#define USE_NO_SEND_PWM

#include <IRremote.h>

void setup() {


  // Just to know which program is running on my Arduino
  Serial.println(F("START " __FILE__ " from " __DATE__ "\r\nUsing library version " VERSION_IRREMOTE));

     The IR library setup. That's all!
  IrSender.begin(IR_SEND_PIN, ENABLE_LED_FEEDBACK); // Specify send pin and enable feedback LED at default feedback LED pin

  Serial.print(F("Ready to send IR signals at pin "));

   Set up the data to be sent.
   For most protocols, the data is build up with a constant 8 (or 16 byte) address
   and a variable 8 bit command.
   There are exceptions like Sony and Denon, which have 5 bit address.
uint16_t sAddress = 0x0102;
uint8_t sCommand = 0x34;

uint16_t sAddress1 = 0x0101;
uint8_t sCommand1 = 0x35;

uint16_t sAddress2 = 0x0103;
uint8_t sCommand2 = 0x36;

uint8_t sRepeats = 0;

void loop() {

  Serial.println(F("Send NEC with 16 bit address"));

  // Results for the first loop to: Protocol=NEC Address=0x102 Command=0x34 Raw-Data=0xCB340102 (32 bits)
  IrSender.sendNEC(sAddress, sCommand, sRepeats);
  IrSender.sendNEC(sAddress1, sCommand1, sRepeats);
  IrSender.sendNEC(sAddress2, sCommand2, sRepeats);

     If you cannot avoid to send a raw value directly like e.g. 0xCB340102 you must use sendNECRaw()
  //    Serial.println(F("Send NECRaw 0xCB340102"));
  //    IrSender.sendNECRaw(0xCB340102, sRepeats);

  delay(1000);  // delay must be greater than 5 ms (RECORD_GAP_MICROS), otherwise the receiver sees it as one long signal

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A light emitting diode that emits in the infrared range. Depending on the input voltage, series resistors are required.

Technical data

Forward voltage 1.1 V
Forward current 20 mA
Emitting wavelength 940nm (non-visible light)

Forward resistors:

Series resistor (3.3 V) 120 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) 220 Ω

On the PCB there is the possibility to directly solder the required resistor. The place for soldering the resistor is located directly above the connection pins on the PCB.

Pin assignment

Code example Raspberry Pi

Two application examples are presented here. One, which briefly switches the infrared transmitter diode on and off again (emitting light not visible - can be seen e.g. by a cell phone camera), and a direct application example for the Raspberry Pi, where it is used as a receiver.

Code example ON/OFF

Pin assignment Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Sensor
GPIO 15 [Pin 10] Signal
GND [Pin 6] GND
# Import and set up required modules
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# Here the input pin is declared, to which the sensor is connected. Additionally the PullUP resistor at the input will be activated
LED_PIN = 15
GPIO.setup(LED_PIN, GPIO.OUT, initial= GPIO.LOW)
print("LED test [press CTRL+C to end test]")
# main program loop
        WHILE TRUE:
                PRINT("LED 4 SECONDS ON")
                GPIO.OUTPUT(LED_PIN,GPIO.HIGH) #LED is turned on
                time.sleep(4) #wait mode for 4 seconds
                print("LED 2 seconds off") 
                GPIO.output(LED_PIN,GPIO.LOW) #LED is switched off
                time.sleep(2) #wait mode for another two seconds when LED is off then
# clean up after the program is finished
except KeyboardInterrupt:

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To start with the command:

sudo python3 KY005.py

Code example remote control

Raspberry Pi pinout:

Raspberry Pi Receiver
GPIO15 [Pin 10] Signal
3.3 V [Pin 1] +V
GND [Pin 6] GND
Raspberry Pi Transmitter
GPIO14 [Pin 10] Signal
GND [Pin 6] GND

Source of the now following steps.

First, open the config.txt file using the following command:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Now add the following content to the end of the file:


With the key combination [CTRL+O] you can save the file. Confirm this with [Enter] and exit the editor with the key combination [CTRL+X]. Now restart your Raspberry Pi with the following command:

sudo reboot

Now install the ir-keytable module:

sudo apt-get install ir-keytable -y

With the following command you can determine the device identification. This is necessary to be able to address the receiver in the further course:

sudo ir-keytable

The first line of the output should look something like this:

Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:

Here it can be read that we can address our receiver via the identification rc0. Therefore we start the reception now via the following command:

ir-keytable -t -s rc0

A light emitting diode that emits in the infrared range. Depending on the input voltage, series resistors are required.

Technical data

Forward voltage 1.1 V
Forward current 20 mA
Emitting wavelength 940nm (non-visible light)

Forward resistors:

Series resistor (3.3 V) 120 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) 220 Ω

On the PCB there is the possibility to directly solder the required resistor. The place for soldering the resistor is located directly above the connection pins on the PCB.

Pin assignment

Code example Micro:Bit

Code example ON/OFF

Pin assignment Micro:Bit:

Micro:Bit Transmitter
Pin 0 Signal
- +V

Sample program download


Code example remote control

Pin assignment Micro:Bit:

Micro:Bit Transmitter
Pin 0 Signal
- +V
Micro:Bit Receiver
Pin 1 Signal
3 V +V

Two additional libraries are needed for the following code example:

pxt-makerbit-ir-transmitter from 1010Technologies | released under the MIT License

pxt-makerbit-ir-receiver by 1010Technologies | published under the MIT License.

You need to add these libraries to your IDE before using the code.

Add the library to your IDE by clicking on "Extensions" and entering each of the following URLs in the search box: https://github.com/1010Technologies/pxt-makerbit-ir-transmitter.git and https://github.com/1010Technologies/pxt-makerbit-ir-receiver.git Confirm the search in each case with Enter.

Sample program download


A light emitting diode that emits in the infrared range. Depending on the input voltage, series resistors are required.

Technical data

Forward voltage 1.1 V
Forward current 20 mA
Emitting wavelength 940nm (non-visible light)

Forward resistors:

Series resistor (3.3 V) 120 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) 220 Ω

On the PCB there is the possibility to directly solder the required resistor. The place for soldering the resistor is located directly above the connection pins on the PCB.

Pin assignment

Code example Raspberry Pi Pico

Pin assignment Raspbery Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Sender
GPIO17 Signal
3.3V +V

With the help of the two sensor modules KY-005 and KY-022 a system with infrared remote control and infrared receiver can be built. But here we will only use the transmitter with a pico. This then acts as a transmitter of the signals.

For the following code example 4 additional libraries are needed:

micropython-ir by Peter Hinch | published under the MIT license.

micropython-async by Peter Hinch | published under the MIT license.

In infrared transmitting systems there are different protocols in which the data can be sent. In the following example, different protocols are used for sending. Documentation

Code for the transmitter

# Implements a 2-button remote control on a Pico with auto repeat.
# Load libraries
from machine import Pin
import uasyncio as asyncio
from primitives.switch import Switch
from primitives.delay_ms import Delay_ms

# Import all implemented classes
from ir_tx.nec import NEC
from ir_tx.sony import SONY_12, SONY_15, SONY_20
from ir_tx.philips import RC5, RC6_M0

######## **** DISPLAY GREETING **** ############################
s = '''Test for IR transmitter.
test() for NEC protocol
test(1) for Sony SIRC 12 bit
test(2) for Sony SIRC 15 bit
test(3) for Sony SIRC 20 bit
test(4) for Philips RC-5 protocol
test(5) for Philips RC-6 mode 0.

srp2 = '''
IR LED gate on pin 17
Connect pin 18 to a ground pin to send addr 1 data 54
Connect pin 19 to a ground pin to send addr 0x10 data 0x34.'''

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

# If the "button" is held down the normal behaviour is to
# retransmit the data but most NEC models send a REPEAT code
class Rbutton:
    toggle = 1  # toggle is ignored in NEC mode
    def __init__(self, irb, pin, addr, data, proto):
        self.irb = irb
        self.sw = Switch(pin)
        self.addr = addr
        self.data = data
        self.proto = proto

        self.tim = Delay_ms(self.repeat)

    def cfunc(self):  # Button push: send data
        tog = 0 if self.proto < 3 else Rbutton.toggle  # NEC, sony 12, 15: toggle==0
        self.irb.transmit(self.addr, self.data, tog, True)  # Test validation
        # Auto repeat. The Sony protocol specifies 45ms but this is tight.
        # In 20 bit mode a data burst can be upto 39ms long.

    def ofunc(self):  # Button release: cancel repeat timer
        Rbutton.toggle ^= 1  # Toggle control

    async def repeat(self):
        await asyncio.sleep(0)  # Let timer stop before retriggering
        if not self.sw():  # Button is still pressed: retrigger
            if self.proto == 0:
                self.irb.repeat()  # NEC special case: send REPEAT code
                tog = 0 if self.proto < 3 else Rbutton.toggle  # NEC, sony 12, 15: toggle==0
                self.irb.transmit(self.addr, self.data, tog, True)  # Test validation

async def main(proto):
    # Test uses a 38KHz carrier.
    # Pin for the IR LED gate
    pin = Pin(17, Pin.OUT, value = 0)
    # List with all possible protocols
    classes = (NEC, SONY_12, SONY_15, SONY_20, RC5, RC6_M0)
    irb = classes[proto](pin, 38000)
    # Uncomment the following to print transmition timing
    # irb.timeit = True

    b = []  # Rbutton instances
    px3 = Pin(18, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
    px4 = Pin(19, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
    # edit these two for the desired effect/data/comand #
    b.append(Rbutton(irb, px3, 0x1, 0x36, proto))
    b.append(Rbutton(irb, px4, 0x10, 0x34, proto))
    led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep_ms(500)  # Obligatory flashing LED.
        led(not led())

# Function to be called to start the sending of the IR Data
def SendIRData(proto=0):

print(''.join((s, srp2)))

# Endless loop for continuous operation
while True:

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